Change Log ********* Version 1.1 Reviewed 18-04-2023 Irish foreign payments, example file The actual example starts after the dotted line. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --------------------------------------------- "CMUOIE","1.0","IE34DABA95159999999999","SE2512000000012208888888","SEK","100.00","GBP","","1","Testperson Smith","2nd. Adress line","3rd.","20190 Skaane","DANSKE BANK, SVERIGE FILIAL","Box 1234","SE-10392 Stockholm","Sweden","1","Line 1 for beneficiary","Line 2 for beneficiary","Line 3 for beneficiary","Line 4 for beneficiary","","","","","","Swedish transfer","","","2","","","","DABASESX","","","SE","Sendername","tech ref trans 1","AB", "CMUOIE","1.0","IE34DABA95159999999999","DE49203205004888888888","EUR","200","","","1","Testperson Smith","German road 2.","33333German city","Germany","DANSKE BANK","POSTFACH 10 15 22","D-20010 HAMBURG","GERMANY","1","Line 1 for beneficiary","Line 2 for beneficiary","Line 3 for beneficiary","Line 4 for beneficiary","Message for senders bank 1","Message for senders bank 2","Message for senders bank 3","","","German transfer","","","2","","","","DABADEHH","BL","20320500","","Sendername","tech ref trans 2","AB", "CMUOIE","1.0","IE34DABA95159999999999","","USD","300","","","3","Mr Test Smith,US road 2.","US-90210 Beverly Hills","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","field 28 US Cheque","","1","","X","Text on advice from bank 1","Text on advice from bank 2","","","","US","Sendername","tech ref cheque 3","AB",