A Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) is a 20-digit code that uniquely identifies a legal entity participating in financial market transactions – across markets and legal systems.
Who can obtain an LEI?
An LEI can be issued to all legal entities. Branch offices or operating divisions which are not separate legal entities are initially expected to use the LEI of their parent organisation. Private individuals cannot receive an LEI.
Where can I get an LEI and what does it cost?
An LEI must be obtained from an authorised LEI issuer, known as LOU (Local Operating Unit), who will validate certain information about your entity before issuing the LEI.
You can acquire an LEI code either directly from an authorized LEI issuer (LOU) or by using one of the LOU’s Registration Agents.
You can find a full list of authorized LEI issuers (LOUs) here.
Registration Agents can be found in the drop-down list under each LOU. The price for initial registration of an LEI is approximately 100 EUR. A yearly maintenance fee will also apply.
What are the steps in the LEI registration process?
1. Prepare required information: legal name(s) for all companies or funds, registered address(es), head office address(es), entity status, entity’s legal form, authorised person(s)
2. Decide on which LEI issuer to register with
3. Enter the required information for registration on the issuer’s website
4. Pay the registration fee according to instruction on the issuer’s website
5. The LEI issuer validates the information provided
6. The LEI issuer completes the registration and sends an email confirmation