Complaints Procedure

We are committed to providing a high standard of customer service. If you are not satisfied with any part of our service, we have procedures in place to deal with your concerns effectively and in the correct way.

If you want to make a complaint, please follow the steps below. Please provide as much relevant information as possible, including your account details, the branch or part of the business involved, a summary of your complaint and any action already taken to deal with the issue.

Ways to complain

One of our complaint handlers will make sure that your complaint is fully investigated and try to deal with the matter in a way you are satisfied with. We will deal with all complaints promptly and impartially (that is, in a fair and unbiased way).

If a complaint cannot be solved on the spot, we will acknowledge your complaint in writing and resolve your complaint as soon as possible and within a reasonable time and no later than 15 days. Where the complexity, severity or other factors of the Complaint prevent we wil

  • Inform you about the reason for the delay, and
  • Notify you when the investigations is likely to be completed

If your complaint is in relation to a payment service it can in exceptional circumstances be  extended to 35 business days).

Timelines may vary depending on the nature of your complaint and the jurisdiction in which it was made.

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