Danske Bank A/S (“DB” or “We”) is registered as a Swap Dealer with the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (“CFTC”). As a Swap Dealer, under the CFTC’s Business Conduct Standards for Swap Dealers and Major Swap Participants with Counterparties (77 Fed. Reg. 9734), DB has disclosure obligations to certain counterparties and prospective counterparties in connection with CFTC-regulated swaps (a ”Swap” or ”Swaps”). 
​These obligations apply only in those instances where DB is entering into a Swap with a U.S. person, as defined by the CFTC’s Final Interpretive Guidance and Policy Statement Regarding Compliance With Certain Swap Regulations (78 Fed. Reg. 45292) or the final rule addressing the cross-border application of certain requirements applicable to swap dealers as incorporated into CFTC Regulation 23.23 (17 CFR Part 23), who is not a Swap Dealer, Major Swap Participant, Security Based Swap Dealer or Major Security Based Swap Participant (“You”).

This website is accessible to all clients and will be updated regularly with various risk, incentives, conflicts of interest, disclosures and static material economic terms with respect to Swaps offered by DB.

Disclosure Information for Swaps

DB is required to provide disclosure of certain material information prior to entering into a Swap with you, including information relating to:

  • Material risks associated with the particular Swap;
  • Material characteristics of the particular Swap, including the material economic terms of the Swap, the terms relating to the operation of the Swap and the rights and obligations of the parties during the term of the Swap;
  • Material incentives and conflicts of interest in connection with the particular Swap.
  • Methodologies and assumptions in connection with certain marks We provide to You.

Provided below are documents that describe certain material characteristics of Swaps that DB may enter into with You, including the material risk of such Swaps and the material incentives and conflicts of interest that We may have with respect to such Swaps. Also provided below are documents that contain certain material economic and operational terms and transactions details, including certain definitions, which We may reference in our description of the terms, rights and obligations in respect of Swaps that We may enter into with You. The documents below also address the methodologies and assumptions that We use to prepare certain marks We are required to provide to You.  In order to access certain information, You will need a password that has previously been sent to You. In the event that You require or forgot the password, please contact Your DB representative.

Please note that in respect of each Swap transaction You enter into with DB and all interaction between You and DB in connection with a transaction or proposed transaction, DB is entering into each Swap transaction in its capacity as counterparty and is not undertaking to assess the suitability of any swap transaction or trading strategy involving a Swap for You.  This website should not be construed as a recommendation or opinion with respect to any Swap or trading strategy involving a Swap.  You will make Your own independent decision to enter into any Swap transaction with DB and as to whether it is appropriate or proper based on Your own judgment and upon advice from such advisers as You deem necessary.

In addition to the present information, You should read carefully any transaction-specific disclosures, material economic terms, and such other information contained in any documentation provided to You in the context of discussing, proposing or entering into a particular Swap or trading strategy with DB. Nothing provided on this website shall amend or supersede the terms of any written or binding oral agreement between the parties, any related documentation or terms of business provided or published by DB.  Specifically, any confirmation or other documentation provided directly to You in respect of an actual or potential Swap will supersede the information on this website and, to the extent inconsistent, such confirmation or other documentation will control.

General disclosures
Material Economic Terms

ISDA Notification

The International Swaps and Derivatives Association, Inc. (“ISDA”) holds copyright on certain of its documents provided to You on this website (“ISDA Content”). The ISDA Content may not be reproduced or distributed without ISDA’s written permission, except the ISDA Master Agreement, ISDA Credit Support Annex, and standardized general and product-specific risk disclosures published by ISDA, which may reproduced and distributed solely for the use in documenting specific commercial transactions. In no event may copyright and trademark notice be removed.

ISDA Content is not intended to be or to contain legal advice. In addition, DB is required to notify You that the use of ISDA Content should be undertaken only after securing appropriate legal advice on its provisions and that ISDA makes no warranty, express or implied, concerning the respective instruments suitability for use in any particular transaction and bears no responsibility or liability whatsoever, whether in tort or in contract, in respect of any use of these instruments.

ISDA, its officers, directors, employees, subcontractors, agents, successors or assigns (collectively "Covered Parties") shall not be liable to You or any of Your counterparties (each referred to in this paragraph as a "You") for any loss, injury, claim, liability or damage of any kind whatsoever resulting from, arising out of or in any way related to: (a) any errors in or omissions from the ISDA Content; (b) Your use of the ISDA Content; (c) Your use of any equipment or software in connection with the ISDA Content; or (d) any delay or failure in performance. The aggregate liability of the Covered Parties to You in connection with any other claim arising out of or relating to the ISDA Content shall not exceed $500.00, which right shall be in lieu of all other remedies that You may have against ISDA. In no event shall the Covered Parties be liable for any special, indirect, incidental or consequential damages of any kind whatsoever (including, without limitation, attorneys' fees), lost profits or lost savings in any way due to, resulting from or arising in connection with the ISDA Content contained therein, regardless of any negligence of the Covered Parties.

Contact us

Please be sure to bookmark this page and check it frequently for additional announcements.

For ISDA Protocol questions, please contact LC&I Legal.

If you have any other questions please contact Your DB representative.


Complaints to Danske Bank relating to any Swaps should be addressed to the following address

Danske Bank A/S
40 Bernstorffsgade
DK 1577 København V
Att: Chief Swaps Compliance Officer

 E-mail: Swap Dealer Compliance