File deliveries at year-end/year-start 2022/2023 – all countries

  FRI 30.12.22 SAT 31.12.22SUN 01.01.23MON 02.01.23
Banking day frequency:
ISO 20022 XML camt.053/054 (end of day), SWIFT MT940, EDIFACT FINSTA.
No deliveryNo deliveryNormal EOY delivery – file contains transactions from 30.12.2022 and 31.12.22Normal delivery – file contains transactions from 01.01.23 and 02.01.23.
Banking day frequency:
No deliveryNo deliveryNormal EOY delivery – file contains transactions from 30.12.22Normal delivery – file contains transactions from 02.01.23. 
Daily frequency:
EDIFACT CREMUL, Comma separated account transaction files (PTX/CRECSF), KAF and CAP. 
Normal delivery – file contains transactions from 30.12.22*)Normal delivery - (like on any other non-banking day)
Normal delivery -  (like on any other non-banking day)Normal delivery 
Banking day frequency:
EDIFACT CREMUL, Comma separated account transaction files (PTX/CRECSF), KAF and CAP. 
Normal delivery – file contains transactions from 30.12.22*)No delivery - (like on any other non-banking day)No delivery - (like on any other non-banking day)Normal delivery – file contains transactions from 31.12.22, 01.01.23 and 02.01.23 **)


*) If it contains transactions from the 30.12.22 is dependent on the time chosen for the creation of the file in the file-order.
**) If it contains transactions from the 02.01.23 is dependent on the time chosen for the creation of the file in the file-order.

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