Supply Chain Finance Programme - New supplier


Country wise VAT number format VIES ( The structure of VAT identification numbers can be found under Q11.

Contact Information


At present digitally signing is not possible

Supplier's Account(s) to receive payments

Account number in IBAN format

Estimated Yearly Sales

Buyers reference for supplier. If the field is not filled in, Danske Bank will get the information from buyer

Additional Info

The number of days from invoice date to due date, where buyer is going to pay Danske Bank. May not exceed 365 day.
Invoices will be automatically financed upon approval from buyer Supplier will select invoices manually via the Bank’s electronic platform District. A District agreement with the supplier and legitimation of the user(s) are required
A Payment Advice for each invoice will be sent immediately in connection with financing. Supplier Reports are generated at 1:00 CET and sent, if invoices have been financed or reconciled by credit notes the day before.
Supplier Reports are generated at 1:00 CET and sent, if invoices have been financed or reconciled by credit notes the day before.

In case of any question, please contact e:mail: or telephone: +45 45 12 88 79 / +45 45 12 86 23

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