We congratulate Akademiska Hus on their SEK 1.5bn green bond! Akademiska Hus can be found in 16 college and university cities in Sweden, and have high ambitions to contribute to the transition to a fossil-free society. 

Through their green bonds, Akademiska Hus have a clear ambition to demonstrate its sustainability agenda and leverage on their extensive portfolio of existing and planned projects and assets within the company. 

Akademiska Hus’ Green Bond framework, published in 2019, received the highest possible shading Dark Green from the second opinion CICERO Shades of Green, stating that the framework provides a strong and forward-thinking approach to green financing for emission reduction and climate resilience initiatives.
Fact Box

Transaction Terms 

Issuer: Akademiska Hus AB

Issuer rating: AA (stable) by S&P

Status: Senior Unsecured Green Bond 

Launch Date:  30 September 2020
Maturity Date: 7 October 2027

Size: SEK 1.5bn

Coupon: FXD 0.448%, Annual, 30/360

Docs/Listing: London Stock Exchange

Joint Bookrunner: Danske Bank & Swedbank