Despite the challenges created by the Corona pandemic both for the bank and our customers, Danske Bank has scooped first places in Prospera's annual report in foreign exchange in both Norway, Sweden, Finland and Denmark.
Lass Højlund, Head of Danske Bank's currency and liquidity, explains how they managed to continuously stay in close contact with customers despite challenging working conditions:
"Timing was favourable in the sense that we got a new trading platform just before Corona hit. This translated into much faster updates, much lower levels of latency, and higher stability overall, despite the very high volume of trading."
Danske Bank's foreign exchange staff was put in Corona-crisis mode a week before the rest of the bank, and to reduce risk, currency teams were spread between Holmens Kanal, Danske Bank's back-up trading department in Høje Taastrup and home offices, with strict focus still on meeting customer needs:
"We quickly set ourselves up to delivering information sessions for many customers at a time. They could call in from wherever they were, about how we saw the market and how the corona virus developed around the world."
Finally Lass Højlund comments;
"We would like to thank our customers for the feedback and trust in this period. We will do our utmost to continuously provide the best service."
Read the article in Danish newspaper Børsen on the subject here (in Danish, behind payment wall).
Find the latest Prospera rankings here.