The Nordic 2020 first place result is based on continued Danish and Finnish first places in customer satisfaction, a second place in Sweden and a shared second place in Norway, respectively.

Head of Large Corporate and Institutional clients, Berit Behring, comments that

“We have gone a long way to serve our customers to the best possible extent, which has been particularly challenging for everyone because of the corona pandemic, so it really means that our customers value us", she says, 

“The impressive results provide self-confidence, also because it comes from an independent source. So it's something that makes us all very happy."

Total customer satisfaction score was 2,805 relative to 2,772 in 2019.

Berit Behring

"We have gone a long way to serve our customers to the best possible extent, which has been particularly challenging for everyone because of the corona pandemic, so it really means that our customers value us". Berit Behring, Head of Large Crorporates and Institutional clients, Danske Bank

About Prospera

The annual aggregated Nordic customer satisfaction survey is conducted by the independent customer insights provider Prospera.

Results are based on data from the four Nordic countries, building upon qualitative interviews with customers in a number of reports. In 2020 4,714 customers were interviewed.

See the Grand total here or read more about the Prospera results and rankings on Prosperas website.