Upcoming changes

On this site, you can find upcoming changes to files, channels and security.

In general, we recommend you to use the ISO 20022 XML format as this will support all future changes and features. Read more about benefits and how to switch to ISO 20022 XML formats and how to prepare your payment initiation files for future changes.

Latest update 19 March 2025

Archive of past events

Benefits of moving to ISO 20022 XML format

A global, standardized format for all payment types

  • You can initiate different types of payments across currencies in one file (versus several) allowing for simplification and cost savings
  • When you need to update your payment files – e.g., due to regulation – you only need to update one file format
  • ISO 20022 XML follows defined standards, meaning increased degree of standardization across systems and involved parties

You are prepared for the future

  • ISO 20022 XML is a flexible, extendable format which means it is possible to add or change information as needs an requirements change (e.g., due to regulation)
  • By using ISO 20022 XML you are prepared for the future as ISO 20022 XML will support future changes and requirements
  • ISO 20022 XML improves compliance screening making your payments safer

Access to all payment features and richer data

  • New features and options will always be possible to utilize using ISO 20022 XML as future development will be focused on XML
  • Since XML is extendable it allows for carrying more structured data for e.g. reconciliation
  • You can use existing and new payment features when you prefer since ISO 20022 XML is a flexible format that allows you to conduct payments based on your needs

How do I validate my payment files?

If you want to validate your pain.001.001.03 payment initiation files as part of the transition to XML, you can use our file validation tool.

Open validation tool

How to prepare your payment initiation files for future changes

The table below gives you an overview of the features and requirements that have to be fulfilled when NPC rulebook for payments becomes effective. For each format, you can see how to include the required information and how to use optional features when NPC rulebook for payments becomes effective.


Field/FeatureMandatory or Optionalpain.001.001.03
Danske Bank format
When can I add the field/feature to my payment file
Creditor name MandatoryYesYes
Unstructured adviceOptional
OCR referenceOptional
To be confirmed
RF referenceOptional
Partly - see MIGNo
To be confirmed
Extended Remittance Information (ERI)Optional
Partly - see Appendix K
Ultimate creditorOptional
Now - will be ignored
Ultimate debtorOptional
Now - will be ignored

* Message Implementation Guide
** Already supported in local Swedish clearing
*** Already supported in local Swedish clearing as a payment with long form advice

FAQ about ISO 20022 XML

  • Do I need to change file format?

    If you initiate Swedish domestic payments via:

    • ISO 20022 XML you can continue to use the format.
    • EDIFACT you can continue to use the format with limited support for new features.
    • Danske Bank formats you can continue to use the format with limited support for new features.
    • MT101 you can continue to use the format with limited support for new features.
    • Bankgirot's formats for Bankgiro supplier- and salary payments you must switch to ISO 20022 XML. (Customers using this service can NOT see payment details in the List of outgoing payments screen in District when sending payment files to Danske Bank)
    • Bankgirot's formats for Danske Bank supplier- and salary payments you must switch to ISO 20022 XML. (Customers using this service CAN see payment details in the List of outgoing payments screen in District when sending payment files to Danske Bank)
  • Which payment date should I use for salary payments in ISO 20022 XML format?

    The payment date in <ReqdExctnDt> should be the date for when the beneficiary’s account will be credited.  The salary file must be sent to the bank at the latest at 12.30 the banking day before the payment date written in <ReqdExctnDt>.

    Ask your ERP-vendor how to set this up correctly in your system.
  • How do I bulk debet my payments in ISO 20022 XML format?

    When you send an ISO 20022 XML file to Danske Bank, then you can decide if you want your payments to be debited as single transactions or as a bulked amount. 
    To bulk debit a payment file, then the file must be structured with one debit transaction and two or more underlying credit transactions.

    Single transactions (more <PmtInf> tags)

    <PmtInf> Start payment 1
    <DbtrAcct> Sender account payment 1
    <CdtTrfTxInf> Start credit payment 1
    <CdtrAcct> Beneficiary's account payment 1
    </CdtTrfTxInf> End credit payment 1
    </PmtInf> End payment 1
    <PmtInf> Start payment 2
    <DbtrAcct> Sender account payment 2
    <CdtTrfTxInf> Start credit payment 2
    <CdtrAcct> Beneficiary's account payment 2
    </CdtTrfTxInf> End credit payment 2
    </PmtInf> End payment 2

    Bulked transaction (One <PmtInf> tag and more <CdtTrfTxInf> tags)
    <PmtInf> Start bulk debit
    <DbtrAcct> Sender account bulk debit
    <CdtTrfTxInf> Start credit payment 1
    <CdtrAcct> Beneficiary's account payment 1
    </CdtTrfTxInf> End credit payment 1
    <CdtTrfTxInf> Start credit payment 2
    <CdtrAcct> Beneficiary's account payment 2
    </CdtTrfTxInf> End credit payment 2
    </PmtInf> End bulk debit

    Please reach out to your ERP vendor to set up your system to fit your needs

    Appendix B: Use of 2.3 BtchBookg gives detailed information about the <BtchBookg> tag and bulk debitering rules.

  • Which ISO 20022 XML reconciliation files can I get?

    Danske Bank supports the following reconciliation file in ISO 20022 XML formats:

    • camt.052.001.02 - Account report
    • camt.053.001.02 - Account statement with balance
      The file contains incoming and outgoing transactions including end of day balance
    • camt.054.001.02 - Debit credit notification - transaction list
      The file has several options:
      • Both Debit and Credit transactions
      • Only Debit transactions  (All debit transactions on the account or only debit transactions from ISO 20022 XML payment files)
      • Only Credit transactions (All credit transactions on the account)

    Please note! Bankgiro Recivebles (BGI) can be included  in CAMT053 (extended) and CAMT054.

    You can find more information about the reconciliation files here.

    To order the reconciliation files, you need to contact: ints@danskebank.com (Please provide account number, file type, UserID)

  • Which options do I have in a pain.002.001.03?

    For each pain.001.001.03 file, Danske Bank will create one or more pain.002.001.03 files (PSR)

    • Feedback on file level
    • Feedback on payment level

    Per default, a PSR on file level will be created and if any payment is rejected, then a PSR on payment level will be created too.

    In the pain.001.001.03 file, you can choose which type of PSR you want.

    If you do not want any feedback on payment level, then the <Authstn> tag can be used.

    Danske Bank offers several types of PSRs on payment level – see Appendix A: Use of 1.3 Authstn

  • How do I use invoices and credit notes in my domestic Swedish payments in ISO 20022 XML?

    If you want to include invoices and credit notes in your domestic Swedish payments in ISO 20022 XML format, then you need to follow some rules:

    • Only Swedish Bankgiro payments and Account transfers support invoices and credit notes
    • Invoices and credit notes must be sent in the same payment file
    • Invoices and credit notes must have the same date
    • OCR number cannot be used
    • Amount must be higher than 0 (zero) 
    • Credit notes will no longer be monitored 
    • Due to limitation in the current clearing channel in Sweden, we recommend to use only 10 <Strd> (Structured) tags with invoices and credit notes until the Swedish clearing channels are updated.

    Appendix K provides more detailed information about how to use invoices and credit notes.

  • Which payment types and remittance information can I use for my Swedish payments?

    Danske Bank offer several Swedish domestic payment types:

    • Salary

    • Account transfer – short advice (Max. 12 characters)
    • Account transfer – long advice (Max. 525 characters) 
      • Beneficiary address must be included in the file  (<PstCd> and <TwnNm>)

    • Cash payment (will disappear when Swedish clearing channels have been updated)

    • Bankgiro Transfer – Text  (Max. 25 characters) 
    • Bankgiro Transfer – OCR reference (Max. 25 characters) 
    • Bankgiro Transfer – Long advice (Max. 525 characters)

    • Plusgiro Transfer – Text  (Max. 25 characters) 
    • Plusgiro Transfer – OCR reference (Max. 25 characters)
    • Plusgiro Transfer – Long advice (Max. 10*35)

    When the Swedish clearing channels have been updated, Nordic Credit transfer and Nordic Salary will replace the above payment types and Beneficiary's name will be mandatory. 

    Appendix L: provides more details about Nordic Credit Transfers and Nordic Salary (only SEK and from Swedish accounts).

Channels and security

Danske Bank offers a wide range of channels for data sharing. Here you get an overview of channels available and required security solution for each channel.

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File formats

Do you want to read about other formats than ISO 20022 XML?

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